I Want Buy Theme

serslorde 其他 96

Hello, I live abroad. And I want to buy your theme. I would be glad if you help.


共5条回复 我来回复
  • 一为
    一为 评论

    Sorry, I recommend you to use:https://www.iotheme.cn/store/webstack.html

    2周前 0条评论
  • 学习导航 | xxnav.com
    上班人导航 sbrdh.com
    上班人导航 |上班人必备的职场办公导航网站 https://www.sbrdh.com/

    This is really great. I didn't expect that foreign netizens would also like Yiwei's themes.

    2周前 0条评论
  • serslorde
    serslorde 评论

    Hello. It is a pity for us not to have Tena. All the features in the theme are the same as the system we are looking for. We are ready for all payment systems including Paypal. When we tried to pay with Alipay and Wechat, it gave us an error. The free theme is very nice but does not have the design and features we want. I hope the payment method increases.

    2周前 0条评论
  • thecc
    thecc 评论

    Select Apple Pay in the latest Chinese version of WeChat。

    2周前 0条评论
  • serslorde
    serslorde 评论

    we dont have Wechat account

    2周前 1条评论
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